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Six Books That Tackle Some of the Most Perplexing Medical Mysteries of Our Time

Six Books That Tackle Some of the Most Perplexing Medical Mysteries of Our Time

Gut Feelings The Patient’s Story: Personal Accounts of the Illness Journey

By Douglas A. Drossman MD, Johannah Ruddy MEd

There is nothing quite as crushing as falling victim to an illness for which no test results seem to confirm a diagnosis. DGBIs (Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction) fall into this category. Patients with DGBIs are frequently misdiagnosed or, what’s worse, dismissed entirely by doctors. Gut Feelings aims to change this.

Gut Feelings: The Patient’s Story: Personal Accounts of the Illness Journey presents the personal stories of eight patients to give us a full understanding of their disorders, their personal experiences of illness, and their relationship with the health care system. Readers will also be educated on the relationship between the gut and brain, as well as learn techniques to maximize the patient-doctor relationship in getting the care needed to manage these disorders.

This book is written for patients and their doctors by an internationally acclaimed gastroenterologist alongside a DGBI patient advocate. It contains up-to-date knowledge on the science, diagnosis and treatment of all the Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction (formerly called Functional GI Disorders). It helps patients to understand and manage their GI symptoms and improve the care they receive, while helping doctors learn the pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of all DGBIs and acquire communication skills to better connect with their patients.




Click to Learn More & Order Gut Feelings: The Patient Story  

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