“The first organization dedicated to training, quality improvement
and promotion of research and practice in PsychoGastroenterology.”
Explore Our Offerings
The Rome Psychogastroenterology Group was formed by US-based GI clinical health psychologists Laurie Keefer, PhD and Sarah Kinsinger, PhD, ABPP in 2018 based on a need to connect and support an emerging, international group of professionals interested in the clinical and scientific intersection of psychology and gastroenterology. Supported by the Rome Foundation Board, our mission is to: 1) promote the use of evidence based behavioral treatments for GI disorders internationally; 2) encourage development of interdisciplinary psychosocial GI programs in gastroenterology practices through expert consultation and lectureships; 3) connect with national and international GI organizations to enhance the visibility of GI Psychology providers and encourage collaboration; and 4) expand our field into previously under-studied areas of psychogastroenterology (e.g. inflammatory bowel diseases, chronic pancreatitis).
Over the past four years, our group has expanded to over 400 members from around the world! About 30% of our membership is within 5 years of training and therefore a priority for us to ensure they remain connected in this specialization. About 20% of the membership is outside of the US and we are excited to focus on increasing our international reach in 2025. About 70% of our membership our doctoral level psychologists. To become a member, please register on our website at https://romegipsych.org/register/ or email at gastropsych@gmail.com for more information.
Benefits of free membership include:
- Access to a robust set of shared materials for mental health professionals, including treatment manuals, slide decks, patient and provider handouts
- A profile in the searchable Rome GastroPsych membership directory, connecting professionals and patients around the world.
- Searchable directory
- Find a gastropsych practitioner (public)
- Connect and collaborate with a colleague (members only)
- Searchable directory
- Access to a robust list-serv focused on professional and clinical issues in GI Psych
- Access to a robust Research group with opportunities for research collaboration and mentorship [Lukas Van Oudenhove, MD, PhD and Simon Knowles, PhD]
- GI focused clinical training programs endorsed by the American Psychological Association (APA) for mental health professionals.
Co-Chairs, Membership & Engagement Committee
Helen Burton Murray, PhD
Laura Reigada, PhD
Livia Guadagnoli, PhD
We were the first organization dedicated to training, quality improvement and promotion of research and practice in PsychoGastroenterology. A key mission of our organization Is to develop and offer high quality training opportunities for multidisciplinary GI providers on the science and practice of psychological and behavioral treatments for digestive disorders. Rome Psychogastroenterology is approved as a continuing education sponsor through the American Psychological Association, allowing us to offer continuing education (CE) credits to psychologists who participate in our live and on demand courses within the ROME campus. In addition to APA approved CE courses we offer a variety of opportunities to bolster the lifelong learning of our members and connection within our community.
We offer:
- CE workshops for mental health providers at 3 levels: Basic Skills, Intermediate Skills and Advanced Training
- A library of on-demand CE training videos
- Visiting GastroPsych scholarships
- Virtual clinical case conferences and webinars
- Peer consultation groups for clinicians, investigators, and practice administrators interested in developing GI Psych programs locally
Chair and Co-Chairs, Training and Education Committee
Sarah Kinsinger, PhD– Chair
Kate Tomasino, PhD- Co-Chair
Kari Baber, PhD- Co-Chair
Alyse Bedell, PhD- Co-Chair
Jessica Naftaly, PhD- Early Career Liaison
Checkout our most recent GastroPsych programs
Early Career Group
The early career committee is focused on shaping the future of psychogastroenterology. The ECC was formed in 2019 with the purpose of connecting and supporting early career professionals from across the globe who are interested in psychogastroenterology and are currently in training or within the first 10 years of their post-degree career. Our mission is to empower the future leaders of psychogastroenterology through advancing learning, engagement and connection.
We offer the following and more to our members of the Early Career Group:
- An Early Career Listserv to connect with others in the community
- Regularly scheduled social hours on Zoom
- Access to viewing expert talks from invited speakers
- Shared resources
- Learn More About the Early Career Group
Co-Chairs Early Career Committee
Alexandra Fuss, PhD
Meredith Craven, PhD
Eligibility: Members in the Early Career Committee are either currently pursuing or have recently completed a graduate degree in psychology or medicine, with a focus in Psychogastroenterology.
Peer Consultation Groups
U.S./Europe-based group Complex Adult: Co-leaders: Jessica K. Salwen-Deremer, PhD and Mandy Hyne, LCSW
This group will meet at 12:00pm EST on the third Tuesday of each month, starting 3/21/23. Email Jessica at Jessica K. Salwen-Deremer, PhD for the meeting link.
Australia/Asia based peer consultation group Complex Adult: Simon Knowles, PhD
This group will meet the first Friday of each month at noon AEST via MS Teams, starting 3/03/23. Email Simon at sknowles@swin.edu.au for the meeting link. Anyone who is interested in leading/co-leading this group, reach out to Simon (sknowles@swin.edu.au)
- Peer consultation group – Academic Practice Settings: Alyse Bedell, PhD and Jessica Gerson, PhD
- GastroPsych Intern/Post-Doc Trainee group: Jessica K. Salwen-Deremer, PhD and Megan Riehl, PsyD
- Peer consultation group Complex Pediatrics: Brad Jerson, PhD and Julie Snyder, PsyD
Social Media Committee
Co-Chairs, Social Media & Communications Committee
Kewin Siah, PhD
Elyse Thakur, PhD
Social Media, Blog posts, Videos and Readings
Research Collaboration
Co-Chairs, Research Collaboration
For more information about research opportunities, email the co-chairs:
The Rome GastroPsych group is excited to announce the handbook for Mental Health Professionals in Psychogastroenterology is now available online!
Co-written by Dr. Laurie Keefer, PhD, Rome Board member and co-director of the Rome Psychogastro Committee, this handbook is an excellent resource for all mental health professionals working with gastroenterology patients.

Pediatric Psychogastroenterology: A Handbook for Mental Health Professionals
Edited by from Rome Foundation Colleagues: Miranda van Tilburg, Bonney Reed, and Simon R. Knowles:
Bringing together international experts in psychological and behavioral treatments for pediatric gastrointestinal symptoms, this book provides detailed, evidence-based protocols targeting gastrointestinal distress and associated mental health concerns for patients and their families.
The first consolidated resource on the topic, Pediatric Psychogastroenterology, gives mental health professionals access to the most up-to-date clinical knowledge and practice. Taking a holistic approach, it guides the reader on the treatment and care of pediatric gastrointestinal patients, as well as how to work with and support children’s parents and families. The book is structured around symptom presentation and common challenges, enabling the reader to focus quickly on the area of need. Each chapter includes clinical pearls of wisdom and 62 developmentally appropriate worksheets for patients and their families to facilitate treatment, available for download.
This practical, authoritative guide is an essential resource for mental health professionals who work directly with pediatric cohorts, as well as postgraduate students in health psychology, behavioral medicine, or social work.