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Article on Improving Patient-Provider Relationships
to Improve Health Care

Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2020;18:1417–1426

This article addresses the challenges imposed by our health care system, where doctors are pressured to see patients in less time and patient care suffers. Drs. Drossman and Ms. Ruddy offer solutions to improve the patient–provider relationship through the development of communication skills.

  • Drossman DA, Ruddy J. Gut Feelings: Doctors and Patient-Centered Care. DrossmanCare 2023, pp 1-260
  • Drossman DA, Ruddy J. Gut Feelings: The Patient’s Perspective. DrossmanCare 2022 pp 1-188.
  • Drossman DA, Palsson O, Stein E. What elements in the physician-patient relationship contribute to patient satisfaction; Development of PPRS Patient SF Questionnaire Neurogastroenterol and Motil 2022
  • Drossman DA, Chang L, Deutsch JK, Ford AC, Halpert A, Kroenke K, Nurko S, Ruddy J, Snyder J, Sperber A. A Review of the Evidence and Recommendations on Communication Skills and the Patient-Provider Relationship (PPR). Gastroenterology;2021;161:1670-1688
  • Drossman DA, Ruddy J. Gut Feelings: Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction and the Patient-Doctor Relationship. DrossmanCare 2021 pp 1-207
  • Drossman DA, Ruddy J. Improving patient-provider relationships to improve health care. Clin Gastroenterol and Hep 2020;18:1417-1426
  • Drossman DA, Ruddy J. Communication skills in disorders of gut-brain interaction. Neurogastro Latam Reviews 2019;2:1-14
  • Ruddy J. From pretending to truly being OK: A journey from illness to health with PI-IBS: the patient’s perspective. Gastroenterology 2018;155:1666-1669
  • Drossman DA. From pretending to truly being OK: A journey from illness to health with PI-IBS: the provider’s perspective. Gastroenterology 2018;155:1664-1665



comm special article working team report

De-escalate Don’t Escalate: Essential Steps to Effectively Recognize and Manage the Patient Who Is Angry and Disruptive

Brian E. Lacy, MD, PhD, FACG1 , Laurie Keefer, PhD2 and Douglas A. Drossman, MD, MACG3 Am J Gastroenterol 2023;118:386–388.; published online December 7, 2022

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Douglas S. Levine | Douglas A. Drossman – How Knowledge-Sharing and Patient-Centered Care Could Improve US Healthcare:

Watch & Learn More Now

De-escalate Don’t Escalate: Essential Steps to Effectively Recognize and Manage the Patient Who Is Angry and Disruptive

Article on Effective Communication Skills.

The following article was a keynote presentation on communication skills written by Douglas A. Drossman MD, recipient of the David Sun Award by the American College of Gastroenterology.


Click below to view article

Train the Trainers: 1-½ Day Intensive Seminars to Recruit Future Faculty

We have provided 1.5 day intensive seminars for university-based medical faculty interested in improving their skills by teaching more effective patient-provider communication. This training will help us expand the impact of our methods to thought leaders who already provide the most up-to-date knowledge involving complex case discussions and will then serve as facilitators for future communication skills programs. Click here for more information about our programs!

Rome Foundation Grand Rounds on Communication Skills


Rome Foundation Webinars on Communication Skills


The Patient’s experience and the importance of good communication.

The following offers insightful information about our Executive Director of the Rome Foundation, Mrs Johannah Ruddy’s, transition from illness to health.  It includes her personal journey as published in Gastroenterology in December 2018 along with a video of her experience.  Also included is a perspective on her transition by Douglas A. Drossman, MD.

A Patient’s Experience of Illness and Healing

The following offers insightful information about a patient’s experience of her illness. It includes a personal journey as published in Gastroenterology in February 2017 along with a video of her experience. Also included is a perspective on her transition by Douglas A. Drossman, MD.


Video on the importance of good communication in caring for patients with Functional GI Disorders.

This video explains the reasons why patients with IBS and other functional GI disorders may be stigmatized by their caretakers and then effective communication techniques are provided to help physician and patient satisfaction in the care. Watch our video here.

Dr. Drossman and Johannah Ruddy have discussed the role of patient-provider communications on various webinars and podcasts- take a listen here!


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