XXXIII Pan American Congress of Gastroenterology, 2012
Rome Symposium and Lectureship at the Pan American Congress of Gastroenterology, 2012
November 7-10, 2012
Panama City, Panama
Panama City, Panama
The Rome Foundation hosted a symposium and lecture at the XXXIII Pan American
Congress in Panama City, Panama.
Rome Symposium
Chairs – Carlos Francisconi and Douglas Drossman
The Road to Rome IV with Douglas Drossman, USA
A Global Perspective of FGIDs in Latin America with Max Schmulson, Mexico
Diet and IBS with Bill Chey, USA
Microflora with Magnus Simren, Sweden
Update on Constipation: Issues for Rome IV with Bill Chey, USA
Rome Lecture – Plennary Session
Newer understanding of Neurogenesis for the treatment of severe refractory pain with Douglas Drossman, USA