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The Eleventh Annual AGA Institute – Rome Foundation Lectureship at Digestive Disease Week 2018

June 4, 2018
Washington, DC

This year the theme is, “Gut Microbiota and Functional GI Disorders (Disorders of Gut−Brain Interactions)”.

The Rome Foundation and the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA) are pleased to announce their 11th annual lectureship at Digestive Diseases Week (DDW). The lectureship was designed to address broad aspects of health care that are relevant to digestive diseases and the functional GI disorders.


Post-Infection Functional GI Disorders (FGIDS)
with Giovanni Barbara, MD
University of Bologna

Gut Microbiome-Brain Interactions: Relevance for FGIDs
with Premysl Bercik, MD
McMaster University

Microbiota Modulation in FGIDs: Probiotics, Antibiotics and FMT
with Eamonn M. Quigley, MD
Houston Methodist

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