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Since the initial development of the pediatric Rome criteria in 1999 there has been a major increase in the recognition and research related to it. The Rome Foundation continues to invest in the development of pediatric criteria, diagnostic and treatment algorithms, relevant position papers and now, virtual education programming aimed at pediatric providers.

With the creation of the Rome Foundation Pediatric Section, we are providing the framework for additional intentional education and awareness on the prevalence of Disorders of Gut Brain Interaction in children and adolescents and expanding our reach into the field for general practitioners, pediatricians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants and particularly pediatric GI specialists to be able to recognize the disorders and provide better therapies to patients and their families.


What are our current priorities?

Rome V

The Rome V Pediatric Committees are already working diligently on updating the science and recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of DGBI in children and adolescents and will be releasing this new information in Spring, 2026. We are very grateful to the following members of the Rome V committees for their ongoing work:

Marc A. Benninga, MD, Carlo Di Lorenzo, MD, Rachel Rosen, MD, MPH, Miguel Saps, MD, Samuel Nurko, MD, MPH, Usha Krishnan, MD, Christophe Faure, MD, Nathalie Rommel, MD, Osvaldo Borelli, MD, Alan Silverman, PhD, Michiel van Wijk, MD, Carlos Velasco, MD, Annamaria Staiano, MD, Nikhil Thapar, MD, Miranda Van Tilburg, PhD, Shaman Rajindrath MD, Katja Kovacic MD, Arine Vlieger MD, Bruno Chumpitazi, MD


Recent Publications:

  • Pediatric Aspects of Nutrition Interventions for Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction
    Samuel Nurko, MD, MPH, Marc A. Benninga, MD, PhD, Toni Solari, RD, LDN and Bruno P. Chumpitazi, MD, MPH, FACG
    (2022). American Journal Gastroenterol; 117:995–1009.
Samuel Nurko, MD, MPH

Samuel Nurko, MD, MPH, RFF | Co-Chair

Professor of Pediatrics
Harvard Medical School
Center for Motility and Functional Bowel Disorders
Boston Children’s Hospital
Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Miguel Saps, MD

Miguel Saps, MD | Co-Chair

Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition
Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Columbus, OH, USA

Pediatric Psychogastroenterology: A Handbook for Mental Health Professionals

Coming soon from Rome Foundation Colleagues:

Miranda van Tilburg, Bonney Reed, and Simon R. Knowles:

Bringing together international experts in psychological and behavioral treatments for pediatric gastrointestinal symptoms, this book provides detailed, evidence-based protocols targeting gastrointestinal distress and associated mental health concerns for patients and their families.

The first consolidated resource on the topic, Pediatric Psychogastroenterology, gives mental health professionals access to the most up-to-date clinical knowledge and practice. Taking a holistic approach, it guides the reader on the treatment and care of pediatric gastrointestinal patients, as well as how to work with and support children’s parents and families. The book is structured around symptom presentation and common challenges, enabling the reader to focus quickly on the area of need. Each chapter includes clinical pearls of wisdom and 62 developmentally appropriate worksheets for patients and their families to facilitate treatment, available for download.

This practical, authoritative guide is an essential resource for mental health professionals who work directly with pediatric cohorts, as well as postgraduate students in health psychology, behavioral medicine, or social work.

Pediatric Psychogastroenterology A Handbook for Mental Health Professionals
From Rome Foundation Colleagues: Miranda van Tilburg, Bonney Reed, Simon R. Knowles

On Demand CE Education

Rome Loves Kids
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