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2024 Annual Digestive Disease Week held in Washington, D.C. advances DGBI research and patient care

At the Annual Digestive Disease Week®  (DDW®) in Washington, D.C. in May, Rome Board members and staff furthered our mission of improving the lives of people with functional GI disorders. Committee work on research, booth work to promote clinician and patient education, and industry meetings on new projects kept everyone excited and determined about what the future holds for DGBI research and patient care.

Rome Foundation Board members were delighted to announce two new Board Members at DDW: Madhusudan Grover, MBBS, AGAF, and Maura Corsetti, MD, PhD.


Madhusudan Grover, MD, AGAF
Madhusudan Grover, MD, AGAF
Maura Corsetti, MD, PhD
Maura Corsetti, MD, PhD


Rome Foundation staff members worked hard and enjoyed being all together at DDW!


rome team

The Rome V pediatric group met at DDW to revitalize their diagnostic criteria to meet current healthcare needs. Stay tuned for more updates!


Rome Pediatrics team


Updating scientific evidence and revising medical information on the DGBI and the Rome Criteria is one of the major functions of the Rome Foundation. These updates evolve over a 5-yr. period, are peer-reviewed, and rely on obtaining recent scientific evidence and using consensus (Delphi approach) to create a variety of educational documents. Learn more about the upcoming Rome V  here:

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