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Behavioral Interventions for DGBI conditions of the Upper GI Tract


Behavioral Interventions for DGBI Conditions of the Upper GI Tract

All 4 Sessions Now Available On Demand

A Rome Foundation Continuing Medical Education program

Psychological and behavioral factors play a key role in developing and maintaining DGBI conditions, including disorders of the upper GI tract. Several complex upper GI disorders can be effectively treated with behavioral interventions delivered by multidisciplinary care team members, including psychologists and speech-language pathologists. In a practical and engaging lecture series, leading experts in psychogastroenterology will discuss the anatomy and physiology of the upper GI tract and behavioral techniques to treat belching disorders, rumination syndrome, and gastroesophageal reflux. Each seminar will include a didactic presentation, an overview of the condition being treated, the rationale for behavioral intervention, and the scientific basis for the approach. The program will draw upon current research findings as well as the presenters’ clinical expertise.

Each session is 1 hour and is available on-demand.

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